Advanced Instruction Through Advanced Techniques For Advanced Results

R44 / R66 Instruction

Our Training Includes:
Private Pilot Training, Flight Reviews, R44 and R66 Pilot in Command Check Outs and SFAR 73 Training.

Advanced R44 / R66 Instruction

Advanced Flight specializes in advanced instruction in the Robinson R44 and R66. Highly experienced career instructors with thousands of hours teaching in Robinson Helicopters, provide a level of instruction and understanding not available at standard flight schools.

Learn what to do with when you have a tail rotor failure or a stuck pedal in a hover and see how to set the aircraft up correctly for a full touch down autorotation. Then, review it all with our on board video system.

Video Demo: Tail Rotor Failure

Robinson R44 Helicopter Video Enhanced Instruction

R44 helicopter tail rotor failure.
© 2011 Advanced Flight LLC